Our Shows

The main points to be highlighted in our programs are rural livelihoods and traditional lifestyle. The government is running many schemes towards rural development but their impact is not reaching the villages unfortunately.We are truly sensible in the matters of educational and health improvement, farmers' issues and rural behavioural patterns. The information of and about the rights of landholders and the landless provided by the constitution will be imparted by BVC TV in order to strengthen the masses.

Shrishti Kalash

There are a numerous folk arts and traditional guild related activities that have been the lifeline of rural India. Unfortunately these art forms are disappearing very fast due to the market unavailability and falling traditional  consumption patterns. The program aims to revive the folk art forms and occupational activities that have been resourced locally since ages.


As has been rightly said by a writer, old age is the second childhood. Parvarish gives a sense of upbringing and nourishment, but the BVC TV aims at upbringing our elder citizenry in the context of rural lifestyle and traditional joint family set up that is decaying fast. The program will aim at governmental and non-governmental attempts to help the senior citizens in rural India as well as it creates a bonding between the two generations. The aim is to end the generation gap that is underlying the emerging urbanisation that is spreading its cultural wings in the rural areas.

Desi Rasoi
As the name suggests, the program takes the viewers to a journey of rural delicacies. The raw spices, fresh vegetables, locally available condiments and the rural ways of preparing food will be the added info available in this show that will increase your kitchen's variety.

Naam Wahi, Pehchaan Nayi

This is a show about the robinhoods of Indian villages. Indian villages have been traditionally witness to the kind of people who were always considered to be outlawed in the eyes of constitution and law, but they were the real heroes of Indian masses. Paan Singh Tomar, Maan Singh, etc. were a few names that turned Gods for their people but they were not seen in good spirit by the system. We aim to revisit those personalities, whether living or dead, who are still the icons of rural India.


Maati ke Geet

India is home to a thousand folk music forms, folk instruments and styles of singing and dancing. All of these have of late got their due recognition in the mainstream through some filmmakers and art loving organisations, still much remains to be said and done. We are trying to revive some lost glory of folk Indian music, an attempt to give platform to local musicians, dancers, composers and provide them the new market for their art form. It is imperative to revive and conserve the rural art heritage at any cost in the age of western hullaballoo.

Thaam Lo Haath

This program is essentially dedicated to the policymaking. The policies that are being framed by the GOI and some non.governmental agencies as well as corporate CSR, all have tried to uplift the rural masses and take them out of their harrdships. We intend to inform the people of public-private partnerships that are being run forr their benefits, as well as the corporate attempts to uplift their lifestyles. Policymaking is the single largest chunk of BVC TV programming, hence this program will be the representative face of India's first rural TV Channel.

Badhte Kadam

Program is dedicated to the rural success stories of individuals. Whether be it a woman sarpaanch who has tried to emancipate the rural women and take them out in SHG's or the RTI activist from a very poor rural family, or success heroes are now increasingly emerging from the villages. This has been possible only due to the communication activism and technology, added by the government's proactive social spending. The stories are encouraging as well as participatory in nature.

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